
Distance Clearing or In person?

Any person, animal, object, space or structure can collect and/or be effected by negative energy. The services offered vary depending on what needs clearing and how you wish for that to happen, with Amy (in person, phone, skype) or choose to have her do the clearing without participating. The difference in price structure has to do with Amy’s time, as the clearing can be done much faster if she is not required to travel to the property, or face to face at the office, on the phone or by skype. Clearings can take place at a distance, on the phone, on skype or when Amy is in sacred space do the work with out you. Energy does not know time and space.

How does Amelia locate and clear me or my space at a distance?

You have a specific frequency through your current name, birth date, address, picture. This signature is very specific to you. To understand this better, this signature is similar to your cell phone number. People can call you with your specific number, regardless of where you are located. You don’t see the physical connections between you and your caller, but you are still connected through a wireless network. All that is required is to have a sender and a receiver. Your personal information creates the connection between it and your unique quantum energy fields. There are many other examples that exist of this type of invisible connectivity. Quantum Physics experiments have proven the effectiveness of effecting outcomes, materials and experiments at a distance time and again.

For years, the Hubbell telescope has sent back more than 700,000 photos from the deepest portions of space that we have never seen. The Hubbell sends these pictures as wavelengths that are then deciphered by highly advanced receivers that can show us these results. We can’t see the wavelengths, but just look at these pictures, very real, from very far away with nothing but space between the camera and the receiver. We act as receivers and transmitters, just like the Hubbell telescope.

This work is very Spiritual in Nature and sacred space is created before the work is begun. The energies we are working with and also to clear are not confined to the dimension most perceive and therefore we do not need to “be present” in this dimension to do the work. Amy says when I have someone who needs me to do it in person it is for them not the work.

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[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h3″]Types of Services[/custom_headline]
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Home Only:
With in 10 mile radius of office.
$150 per hour travel time to and from property outside of 10 mile radius.
For properties 3 hours out of radius travel expenses and bulk time rate will apply.

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In Person

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Adults and Children
Clearing of all types negative influences, entities, de-cording and removal of other people’s energy, emotional residue, healing of energetic field, and new shields to prevent future attachments.

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In Person

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Pet/Animal Clearing and Communication:
Clearing of the animals energetic field and any traumas the pet has taken on from others, healing of its energetic field and new shields to prevent future attachments. Includes any requests or communication the pet wishes to convey to it’s beloved owner.

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In Person

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Home/Family Packages:
The families living space will be cleared along with the family (Up to 2 adults, up to 2 children) add $100 for each additional child or pet, $200 for each additional adult.
In person (within a 10 mile radius) or on Skype.

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In Person
Select package below

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For properties 3 hours out of radius travel expenses and time rate will apply. Businesses with 20 employees or more as well as large office buildings will need to be estimated.

Clearing of up to two owners will be include as an Adult Clearing.

  • Office/Store Building
  • Business plus owners (up to two)
  • Quarterly Clearing
  • Monthly Clearing

$150 per hour travel time to and from property outside of 10 mile radius.

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In Person

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Car or Item:
Jewelry, antiques, previously owned items, cars (especially those that have been in accidents) can all carry negative energy and may need individual clearing. $150 for distance. Call to get pricing for in person.

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